It has been some time since the last post.. Well, clearly I have been getting myself involved in some activities to move on. Alright so lets get on with what happened to Kai Xian this week.


I started the week with a fresh movie in mind and as the title suggests, the movie I watched was Maze Runner. I heard it was adapted from a book and I thought: ” Why not watch the movie since the trailer was quite awesome?” Well, my decision paid off because throughout the whole movie, I was so engrossed in the movie that I’m not even aware of my friends calling my name. HAHAHA. I was like a deaf in the cinema on that day. ALRIGHT, WANT SOME SPOILERS? The …. died. HAHA. Alright, I shall not spoil it but then in my opinion, the movie is highly rated and my rating for it ranges from 7.5 to a 9. Well, so its worth watching it.

Sentosa adventures and mania.

On Wednesday, I headed down to Sentosa with ma sexy dudes; Japheth, John, Ben and Gabe for a awesome shit suntan session. HOWEVER, I got a fucking migraine in the morning and I thought I couldn’t make it for the trip but then I survived that shit painful experience and I rushed down to Sentosa. We started off with a virgin GoKart experience and I would say that it was quite thrilling. You guys should not hesitate to pay the price for it because its quite worthwhile to spend the money to have some fun. Shortly after that, we headed to Siloso Beach and our “mission” starts immediately. * Showtek – Booyah on the speakers * We took off our shirts and roamed the whole beach for targets but then it was more than just deserted at that time so we headed to palawan beach for more chances. But still to no avail. We decided to head back to Siloso to try again. BAMMMM. There was a sudden influx of foreign targets. Japheth and John decided to give it a try and in the end they managed to hook up onto two Korean targets HAHAAH. Alright I wasn’t involved because I was busy honing my football skills on the sandy beach. Oh ya!!! We workout-ed on the beach and it was so god damn solid that I was panting profusely at the end of the workout. Well, that was to keep my muscles toned under the sun. Damn anyway, we swam and suntanned. Alright, my skin peeled off when I got home even though I put on the Suntanning oil. DAMN.

Dinner was the real deal as we indulged in a sensational Sukiya buffet. I managed to catch up on my calories intake of 2910 buy wolfing down 9 plates of chicken and also 4 plates of pork. I’m sucha beast when it comes to buffet. HAHAHA.

By the way, targets are those femme fetales on the beach.

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Sigh, ICAEW is an optional exam which I opt to take because I thought it will be good to have a other great qualification in case of rainy days. Ben also took the exam so we studied with the sample paper. Guess what? 2 HOURS FOR ONE INCOME STATEMENT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT. DAMN HELL. How am I gonna complete the paper in time? Well……… welcome to accounting.

Injury prone Kaixian

I was hit by the doctor’s news that I maybe out for soccer for a month at least. MY HEART LITERALLY SHATTERED INTO PIECES. omg, how am I gonna be fit in time against Nazmi’s team? After all, I’m the captain of that team and I should be playing in the team.. sigh I think I will be on the sidelines on that day. Blame me for being such an injury prone player and my friends called my Abou Diaby. I quite agree.

Go look up for Abou Diaby and you shall know what I meant.


The week ended with a bbq in Riovista with ma dudes again. I could describe the bbq experience as one word: Sensational. From marinating the food to bbq-ing the food, everything was just purely awesome.

tip for marinating chicken wings.

1st, get frozen chicken wings (DUH)

What you need:

– lemon pepper powder

– dark soya sauce

– Sesame oil

– A little bit of sugar and salt

Pour them all into a tray and marinate them. They taste superb especially the skin after bbq-ing.

However i felt that we needa to have some improvements in how we way handle the money etc.

  1. When we want to calculate the money needed to be paid per person, we need to take the total cost divide by the total number of people and then from there, we calculate how much do we need to compensate or deficit from each individual. for fuck sake. So for example, if each person has to pay $30 but I contributed $35, I need to get back $5. Simple as that.
  2. We need to list down all the food that we are going to buy and not decide at the last minute. That’s because we will end up buying huge volume of the same food and we will end up getting sick of the same food. Anyways, we bought 6kg of chicken wings to be shared among 8 people. BEAST MODE.
  3. When we are starting the fire, let’s not have like 5 people crowding the fireplace. Please, we aren’t doing a ritual HAHAHAH. We just need two persons over there settling the fire. If not, there will be pandemonium and unnecessary quarrels created.

So that’s it, I am looking forward to the next bbq with the dudes again!

Once a gunner, always a gunner.

Those who knows me well, will know that I’m an Arsenal fan and there’s no way I will be skipping the match against Aston Villa @ Villa Park on Saturday.

I will not narrate the match but I will point out some key notes.

  1. Mikel Arteta shall only appear against small teams. He is 33 years old and will soon be a liability to the team. Damn.. Does he really play a Central Defensive Mid position (CDM)? When the opponent counter-attacks, he will always be missing.. Wenger has to take note of this. However, he is the captain so we don’t really have a choice
  2. Ramsey is just a normal player. He isn’t talented but he is at the peak of his career. A hardworking lad and I respect him a lot. However, today isn’t his day because his passes aren’t really up to his standard and he gave away too much balls. Well..
  3. Ozil is back. I could see a huge difference when he was played as the No.10 role as the Central Attacking Mid position (CAM). Getting an assist and hitting behind the net today. What a day he had.
  4. Rosicky and Campbell don’t deserve to sit on the bench. They deserve more quality time on the pitch but then.. we have so many players of the same position..
  5. Jack Grealish from Aston Villa is someone who can be a real star in the future. Watch him.

The game won 3-0 in favour of Arsenal. Goals from Ozil, Welbeck and an own goal from Aly CIsshoko. LMAO AHAHAH.

Alright, come on boys. Let’s look forward to the game against the shit spurs next saturday! COYG!

So that’s basically what I done this week. Well, a week full of activities. Probably that’s how I get on with life.


My fault, my negligence.

It has been a while since I blogged. You will discover the reasons in just a short while and yes, today’s topic is going to be about myself and how I negligently lose one of my greatest love in my life.

Please bear with me.

On the 22 Jan 2014, Wednesday, it seems like a normal day to me. School, projects, exams and other school related stuffs. However, I have a SPOT interview, its like a interview to pick out outstanding talents in SP so I had no idea why I was involved in it. Minutes before the interview, my good friend, Yang Zhao told me that there’s one cute girl who was gonna be in the same interview room as me. He told me that her name was Zoe* (An anonymous name to protect the privacy of the girl) and I didn’t pay much attention to the details. I went into the interview room and I glanced the small room and I immediately felt dejected because I knew it was going to be another boring interview session. Minutes after the interview has started, a girl who fairly looks like some girl next door, walked in and obviously she was late. Normally, I’m always angry at people who are late for meetings. However, instead of looking at her with furrowed eyebrows, I gave her a puzzled look as if I have seen her before. She settled in awkwardly and sat beside me. Well, at first, I couldn’t care less until she introduced herself to be Zoe. I stole a glance at to my right and quickly whatsapped YangZhao. She has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. holy mother cow. The interview went on with the interviewees trying to know each other more. FINALLY, the interview ended and I decide to make my move by helping her to open the door. Well, I didn’t manage to do so but instead the door stalled while she was trying to open. I smiled genuinely at her silliness because she needed to press a particular button in order for her to open the door. She turned back and looked at me and I immediately had a secret eye-candy on her because her eyes are just so nice.. Later didn’t I know that this small little crush on her would further lead to other events..

On the way home, I kept mentioning her name in front of Yang Zhao and forced him to tell me more about her. HAHAHA. I even threatened him man. what a joke. Anyways, I went home and checked the email that the teacher has sent us about the SPOT interview. What I discovered next may seem ridiculous to the readers but then.. damn it was crazy. Her email address was sitting next to my email address under the ” To ” section. I knew we are somehow fated so starting from that day, I made a resolution that I was going all out for this girl. yes, it was crazy and ridiculous!

The next few weeks remained normal except for those times when I would see her during Economics lecture. I would keep stealing glances at her and well I got caught once or twice. Then, here came the big exams and I didn’t have the time to keep on noticing her. During that period of time, I asked Yang Zhao for her facebook and I tried to add her as friends. AND HOLY  !@#$$^#%&$* she accepted my friend request. Next, I asked him for her twitter. Well, she took longer to follow me back. Finally, her instagram. I was like ” MAN DOWN! “. You guys might think that her following me on twitter and instagram was just a small issue, but then I never felt so happy about it. I jumped for joy. Literally. My friends thought I’m mad. Yes, mad over a girl.

During the holidays, I didn’t think too much about her because I was busy doing my own stuffs and I didn’t have her number yet so.. I couldn’t do anything to contact her. School reopened and I was so not looking forward to it. However, guess what, I saw her again at the MRT gantry again and I was like.. ” fate? ” I knew I had to take action before somebody else does. I mean.. why wouldn’t a guy date a girl like her?

For the next three weeks, I knew she is in the same Audit and Taxation lectures as me. I couldn’t hide my jubilation because my plan was still working. On the 3rd week of school, I decided to take action and approached her for her number. That was the first time I was doing so, therefore I was super duper crazily anxious that I couldn’t sleep the night before. I was constantly asking Johnathan on how I should approach a girl and all those stuffs. He was so fed up with me and he scolded me: ” eh cb, you got balls or not?” ( dont mind the vulgarity) I was like, oh damn..

I remembered clearly in my head that it was a Monday 5/5/2014 so it was an Audit lecture. So, mustering my courage, I looked for her in the lecture hall with the help of my friends. GOD DAMN IT, SHE WENT TO THE TOILET and the lecture was starting soon.. so I thought my chance was gone then . . .

I got up from my seat and asked Aiman to come along with me to the foodcourt. On the way out .. BOOM. BOOM. FUCKING BOOM. She was standing outside the door and she opened the door. BOOM. She walked in looking down and I stood rooted to the ground ( p.s. she crashed into a fire extinguisher). I felt as if my heart just stopped beating for a second. At the corner of my eye, Aiman walked away to avoid the awkwardness. When she was just about to walk off, I spoke confidently : ” Hey, have I seen you before? ” From then on, everything went smoothly and I asked: ” How can I contact you?”  BAM. She smiled at me (holy mother, it was good) and gave me her number. GOD. That moment was so gold and because of it I couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the lecture.

The next few weeks was trying to know her more and stuffs. The time passed with dates and mini dates. Those times were just precious and it was those times that I never felt so blessed before. We explored parks, watched the fireworks together and whispered cute stuffs into each other’s ears. It was literally the honeymoon period for us. I loved her more than I could say and I knew that one day I would not be able to live without her. I love her.

There was one time when she had chicken poxes and I couldn’t see her in school for 3 weeks. It was so miserable. Screw that chicken pox.

Happiness is perpetual.

I chose to believe that and I chose to believe that true love equates to happiness. Though falling heads over heels was such a cliche, but then it was those moments we shared that made it something special.

Things went perfectly well until we started to talk lesser. We were both confused about our feelings because we weren’t sure if we wanted this relationship. Things started to get real complicated and we ended up quarreling and not talking to each other anymore. I was so heart-broken because at that point of time, I couldn’t believe that everything had to come to an end just like this.. Surely, I couldn’t let go just like this.

However, things started to turn for a better because we started talking again. I was concerned about a voodoo doll in Woodlands and told her to be careful of it. From then, we started talking and I firmly told her that I was still in love with her and hoped to have a second chance from her. Waiting for her reply was just like waiting for my O level results.

Approximately 11.49 pm, she replied. She decided to give US a chance as she still liked me a lot. ” US ” means that we were ready to go for a relationship.


ya’know that feeling when we can start afresh after confirming both of our feelings. I love her. I know I can’t screw this up again because if I do, there will no turning back. On that night, I started to plan everything..

I chose to believe happiness is perpetual until thursday on that week.. when she didn’t reply me for the whole day. We were supposed to go out on Friday and I thought she was just playing with my feelings and didn’t reply me. I was so scared because I did not know what to do in this situation.. I really don’t know. I thought she was playing games. I thought and i thought.. Have I done something wrong?

Sunday which is today.. will be the day which she will leave for China. I do not wish the reveal what she told me but then I can say everything is over. WHY? MY OWN FAULT AND NEGLIGENCE.

alright let me tell you my plans.


– Take her out on a date, accompany her to watch the Maze Runner (heard its awesome).

– Take her out to a park and ask her for a relationship.

– Prepare her a bouquet of roses at the moment of confession.



– Send her off to China and give her a goodbye hug.

– Give her 3 letters and a box of chocolate.

It seemed so ideal in the beginning but its all fairy tales now.

Why would I say its my fault and negligence?

I was “hot and cold” when we text and I’m truly sorry for that and causing you to have confused feelings about us.

I thought it was her playing games and I was so scared that I do not how to respond to the situation.

If I had continue with the plan on that day and not try to be a PHTG bastard in the beginning, we could have been a couple for 2 days as of 14/9/2014. I didn’t see it coming.. Ya’know I still love you a lot and don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t trying to play games. You misunderstood my intent, and I was ready to get into a relationship with you. But then.. sigh. everything went haywire because of me. Now everything’s over..

I’m sorry for breaking your heart, it was all due to me.. i’m sorry for causing you to be in this state. I’m sorry.

In conclusion, for the past 4 months of dating her.. I made several mistakes in handling situations like this. Everything seemed so smooth and nice in the beginning and if I had been more prudent in handling such stuffs, none of these would have happened. However, its parts and parcels of life, I need to face the setback. I learn from my mistakes and I accept this as part of my life-long learning.

I know you’re in China right now so I hope you have safely reached there and its gonna be fun there I supposed. I want you can quickly forget about me and move on because I want you to be happy. That applies to me as well.

 Dear god, the only thing I asked of you was to hold her hands when I’m not around. When I’m much too far away

You’re always my happy pill. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


S a t u r d a y

Never thought that today will be such an eventful day at the Palawan beach doing some shit ass crack community service. Well, in the first place, I didn’t want to go at all because I always thought such things will be a complete waste of time and the whole event will be utter mundane. It proved me wrong because I had so much fun there.

One thing that wasn’t fun: I had to wake up at 6.20am because I have to be at Harbourfront @ 7.30am. DAYUM.

Anyways, the event is about helping both the mentally and physically disabled kids and not only that, the event also brings an awareness on these unfortunate human beings so that normal people like us will understand them better and not chuck them aside.

Sang Hui, Sujeeta, Yang Zhao and I were in charged of the ice-cream booth and yes.


We couldn’t control our excitement because we knew we were gonna get hold of some free ice creams HAHAHA.

Soon later, the organisers came back with 14 cartons of shit lordddddddddddddd ice creams further catogorized into 4 different flavours: Chocolate, Strawberry, Gula Melaka, and Vanilla. ALL OF THEM WERE FUCKING SWENSENS PREMIUM ICE CREAM. SWENSENS. GOD. damn.. 

We began distributing the ice cream and started eating a few of mini tubs as well. WELL WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT COUPONS. The day went on with distribution of ice cream to kids, adults, faggots (thats because I saw someone whom I hate) and some other people. The funny part is that I got physically hurt by a dry ice. YES, FUCKING DRY ICE. HAHAHA.

In the end, we couldn’t even finish distributing the ice creams because like what I have said. 14. fucking. cartons. Someone’s gonna die from eating 14 cartons..

We went to have some quick lunch at Mos Burger and we head home. 

I was about to drop dead when John, that douche called me to have some fun in Javier’s car. WTF. Well, I’m a good friend so I tagged along and we went to Wheeler’s Yard @ Toa Payoh. Cafe hunters alert. You guys should visit that cafe because its quite ATAS and although the selection aren’t a lot but then its nice place to chill and catch up with your friends. We headed off to Yishun because that burden Johnathan Lim has to go to his friend’s birthday party. Well. ONCE A BURDEN ALWAYS A BURDEN BRO. hahahah dont kill me if you’re reading this HAHA. 

oh ya, never bring me on a road trip. I did something stupid today. So we were playing Tian Hou by Andrew Tan. I was kinda high even though I was exhausted. HAHA. I unwind the window and started singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs. FUCK. I think a girl turned back and stared at me as if I’m a human being from another planet. well well.. never bring me to road trips . . .

Lantern festival in my condo at night later on.. Alastair Chew will no doubt be there.






“So.. how do you feel about me?” This was one intriguing question that had been on my mind for the past 2 weeks.



Okay, I’m currently half-drunk while writing this shit. Well, its the end of the exams and I thought.. ” why not and indulge a bit? ” You can’t blame me for that because it has been 19 weeks since I last consumed beer. I brought Breda and I can say the beer is rather smooth. I treated Ben (my childhood friend) to 2 cans hahahaahah because he helped me out in something important and I shall not reveal it.

Anyways, I’m currently new to this blog so it might take a while . . . to get the designs up and other related stuffs. 

From tomorrow on wards, I will start posting regularly if I have the time. THATS IF I HAVE THAT TIME hahahaha and on some gloomy nights, I will probably narrate my recent love life and I feel the need to pour all my feelings into this blog. 

So, this is my very first post and after this, I will probably go on to editing and add on some cool features provided by this blog software. 

P.S if you want to know me more.. and if you are lost, you can follow me on:

– twitter: MFO1O4 (Its an O not zero) or just type abou diaby (I will update if I have made any changes.)

-Instagram: ithinkihaveashitface or just kaixian (I will update it as well ifI have made any changes.)


