S a t u r d a y

Never thought that today will be such an eventful day at the Palawan beach doing some shit ass crack community service. Well, in the first place, I didn’t want to go at all because I always thought such things will be a complete waste of time and the whole event will be utter mundane. It proved me wrong because I had so much fun there.

One thing that wasn’t fun: I had to wake up at 6.20am because I have to be at Harbourfront @ 7.30am. DAYUM.

Anyways, the event is about helping both the mentally and physically disabled kids and not only that, the event also brings an awareness on these unfortunate human beings so that normal people like us will understand them better and not chuck them aside.

Sang Hui, Sujeeta, Yang Zhao and I were in charged of the ice-cream booth and yes.


We couldn’t control our excitement because we knew we were gonna get hold of some free ice creams HAHAHA.

Soon later, the organisers came back with 14 cartons of shit lordddddddddddddd ice creams further catogorized into 4 different flavours: Chocolate, Strawberry, Gula Melaka, and Vanilla. ALL OF THEM WERE FUCKING SWENSENS PREMIUM ICE CREAM. SWENSENS. GOD. damn.. 

We began distributing the ice cream and started eating a few of mini tubs as well. WELL WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT COUPONS. The day went on with distribution of ice cream to kids, adults, faggots (thats because I saw someone whom I hate) and some other people. The funny part is that I got physically hurt by a dry ice. YES, FUCKING DRY ICE. HAHAHA.

In the end, we couldn’t even finish distributing the ice creams because like what I have said. 14. fucking. cartons. Someone’s gonna die from eating 14 cartons..

We went to have some quick lunch at Mos Burger and we head home. 

I was about to drop dead when John, that douche called me to have some fun in Javier’s car. WTF. Well, I’m a good friend so I tagged along and we went to Wheeler’s Yard @ Toa Payoh. Cafe hunters alert. You guys should visit that cafe because its quite ATAS and although the selection aren’t a lot but then its nice place to chill and catch up with your friends. We headed off to Yishun because that burden Johnathan Lim has to go to his friend’s birthday party. Well. ONCE A BURDEN ALWAYS A BURDEN BRO. hahahah dont kill me if you’re reading this HAHA. 

oh ya, never bring me on a road trip. I did something stupid today. So we were playing Tian Hou by Andrew Tan. I was kinda high even though I was exhausted. HAHA. I unwind the window and started singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs. FUCK. I think a girl turned back and stared at me as if I’m a human being from another planet. well well.. never bring me to road trips . . .

Lantern festival in my condo at night later on.. Alastair Chew will no doubt be there.






“So.. how do you feel about me?” This was one intriguing question that had been on my mind for the past 2 weeks.


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